Update on Exponential Technologies
Linking our Brains to Computers – and Assistive Exoskeletons for Factory Workers
I love to bring you the latest innovations that are coming in the field of science and technology. Brain computer interfaces or systems that can link our brains directly to computers, translates our brain signals into computer language, and they use an EEG, an electroencephalogram, to gather our neural activity, storing it on a hard drive. A signal then processes the modules and sends it to a computer interface. Non-invasive, you wear a headset. In the future, this brain computer interface might not only read our neural activity, but it might also actually influence it.
Our brain could end up getting rewired to experience, pleasure or pain. And I'll let you decide the implications of that.
A German company has now created a lightweight carbon fiber frame that you wear over your clothes. It's an assistive exoskeleton. It's got electric motors in it that augment and support your muscle power, enabling you to lift items, reach up, squat, perform other physical tasks. It can lift 62 pounds protecting you from lower back injuries. The battery lasts 8 hours. You can expect to see this in the military as well as many industrial uses in the company's worldwide. Want to learn more about exponential technologies? Read my New York Times best seller, The Truth About Your Future.